Youth Initiatives
Empower your youth
Duration: 7 days
Recommended language level: A2 and above
Young people today urgently need the social skills, self-esteem and courage to realise their dreams and ideas. Developing a capacity to imagine alternative futures can motivate them to take on something new and enable them to make their dreams come true. Without these qualities, it is unlikely they will develop their full potential. We believe young people have an important role in society. They see and understand more than most adults imagine. They have their own opinions, are creative, energetic and can contribute to any cause if only given a chance to do so. Unfortunately, they are being actively discouraged from engagement and denied their voice and their place in society. They are often stereotyped as lazy, rebellious or naive. We want to give them confidence in their opinions, so they can become active citizens and make a difference in their local communities and beyond.
Each of the activities in this programme has the aim of strengthening young people´s capacity to realise their dreams and ideas. Over the course of the week we will explore young people’s active participation in society and the development of the key knowledge and skills set for them to reach their goals. The activities combine educational sessions, creative and reflective sessions, case studies, group and individual tasks, debates and videos.
Sessions are designed to build capacities over the course of the week:
-Defining the dream or goal.
-Comparison of personal and shared dreams.
-Project development methodologies.
-Working within groups to create and implement a mini-idea/mini- workshop.
-Ideas and commitments for the future.
-Academy of Dreamers Graduation Ceremony.
The programme will include options for other recreational and cultural activities, for example: sightseeing trips to nearby cities, hiking, visits to Adventure Parks, swimming in natural river pools and canoeing.
Participants will understand the importance of youth participation within society and be able to put forward and develop their ideas. They will develop critical thinking skills, based on an open-minded and flexible understanding.
Young people will gain new and/or improved knowledge and skills:
-Ability to define key concepts including projects active participation in a project.
-Understanding the process from conception to realisation of an idea.
-A recognition of their “comfort zone” and the value of leaving it.
-Understanding and being able to implement two methodologies
to create a project: Canvas and Dragon Dreaming.
-Being able to ask for help. -Participation. -Team work.
-Leadership skills. -Being able to give and follow instructions.
-Capacity to clearly explain ideas and how to respond to constructive criticism.
-Understanding how to organise and coordinate a group.
-Improved confidence in public speaking. -Better communication in English/Spanish.
-Taking a risk to create something new.
-Taking the initiative. -Respecting others opinions.
-Knowing how to include other pepople´s ideas within yours.
-Tolerance and flexibility. -Respecting others and their points of view.